Friday, 18 February 2011

'jealousy's the ugliest trait'

so, i am jealous. like really jealous. like annoying jealous, of my nineteen year old brother who witnessed the genius that is Frank Turner in York yesterday. My friend hannah and i were dead set on going but had zero method of transport and tickets sold out like god knows what, so the fact my brother got his hands on one or two made me even more well, jealous. I'd love to see Frank so much, but always miss the opportunity for the simplest of reasons, all i'd really like is to be in his presence as he sings the beautiful compositions that always make me feel like i've had a slap in the face when ive finished listening to the album. In a good way of course, like he's yelling at me to pull myself the hell together, after all 'the only thing thats left to do is live.'
Also i am deeeeesperate to see Never Let Me Go, i started reading the book and its so enticing and originally beautiful that ive gotten far too impatient and just was to delve into it right now. like right now. The actors are cast so brilliantly, that there is not chance in hell the film cannot be a success, but i suppose the fact it opened London film festival says it all, so my conclusion is that i will treat a friend to see it, maybe tuesday, for free - the perks of being an Odeon employee.

utter beauty